Discussions on Problems Related to the Secondary Mining Right Market Transaction; transfer of title 探矿权、采矿权的权利性质与权利流转二级(转让)矿业权市场交易过程中有关问题的探讨
The rearrangement of mining market after rectifying mines results in increase in revenue of RMB$ 30000000. 经矿山整顿后矿权重新市场配置,可为财政增收3000万元。
Further Opening the Prospecting and Mining Right Market of Non-Oil/ Gas Mineral Resources (一)进一步开放非油气矿产资源探矿权、采矿权市
Mining is related to national economic security of the resources sector, mining capital market is the mining capital will be by way of operating. 矿业是关系到国家经济安全的资源性行业,矿业资本市场是矿业资本经营的必由途径。
Study on Investment Risks and Conflict Analysis of Mining Capital Market in China 我国矿业资本市场矛盾分析及投资风险研究
Application of Extension Method in Selecting Entry Mode of Vietnamese Mining Market 可拓学方法在矿业市场进入模式决策中的应用
With the continuous boost of mining products'price within recent years, a vast sum of funds has been invested into the mining market, which further increases the investment in international mining. 远暮年来,和灭矿产品价钱的连续走上,呼引了大量资金入入矿业市场,入一步加大了闭于邦外矿业的投入。
China shall give a balance between development and trading, and open the foreign mining market. 这对中国是挑战和机遇,因此中国必须坚持开发与贸易并重,积极开拓海外矿业市场。
Based on the analysis of the current situation of land resources in Gansu Province, the paper discusses ways of improving the land market, the mining rights market and the process of exploration. 文章在分析甘肃省国土资源现状和国土资源市场建设现状的基础上,针对土地市场建设和探矿权采矿权市场建设方面存在的问题展开深层次剖析论述。
Mining concession must let resources to enter and be liberated from governmental power, which is a precondition to control mining market. 将矿产权从公权力中解放出来而让资源要素市场自由进入,是构建矿业市场进入管制制度的前提。
We have many years of mining products market management and customer service work experience. 我们具有多年的矿山产品市场管理与客户服务工作经验。
The Furious Mining Market in China 热潮下的中国矿山设备市场
By the establishment of the database and Mathematic-economical Model of the deposit, to realize the dynamic management of the mine production, to increase the ability to adapt the change of the mining market. 数据库和矿床经济模型的建立,实现了矿山生产的动态管理,提高了矿山生产适应市场变化的能力。
The legal nature of exploitation right is the hot issue in mining right market in China. 采矿权的权属性质,是当前矿业权市场中的热点问题。
The Qualifications of Mining Market Access and the Dominance of Mineral Right 矿业市场准入资格和矿权主体资格
The development of mining market in Zhejiang province is quite fast, and some experiences have been accumulated. 浙江省采矿权市场启动早,发展快。
Based on the effective factors of investment into gold mining and comparison between foreign investment situation in China and that in overseas, some suggestions have been proposed and analysis been made to improve the investment environment in Chinese gold mining market. 从影响金矿资源勘查开发的国际投资等因素入手,通过与新兴市场国家投资环境的对比,着重分析了我国目前引进外资困难局面的症结所在及利用外资的优势,提出了改善投资环境的建议。
The main existing problems for this law include low entrance threshold of coal mining market, strict principles in development planning of coal production, etc. 该法存在的主要问题包括煤炭开采市场准入门槛设置过低、对煤炭生产开发规划规定过分原则等。
This paper aims at this problem, studying reasonable mine method and the resource comprehensive development use of rich ore technology, has carried mining internal market manage, gets good economic benefits. 本文针对此问题,对合理的开采方法和富矿资源综合开发利用的技术进行研究,推进了矿山内部市场化管理,取得良好的经济效益。
Both management system and mining right market have great significance in promoting healthy development of China's mining economy. 矿业权管理制度与矿业权市场对促进矿业经济健康发展具有十分重要的意义。
The qualification of mining market access is the managerial right of mining, and mineral prospecting right and mineral exploitation right is the property right of mineral resources. 矿业市场准入资格是矿业的经营权,采矿权、探矿权是对矿产资源的财产权。
Research and Implementation of Mining Market Value Function 市场值函数挖掘的研究和实现
Value composition of mining rights is the basic problem facing the mining rights market and mining rights appraisals. 矿业权的价值构成是矿业权市场和矿业权评估的基础问题。
Along with the start-up and development of mining rights market, some laws and rules still are unclear. 随着矿业权市场的启动和发展,在具体操作中也遇到了一些现行法规或规定尚不明确的问题。
In the promotion, the depth of mining market potential, strengthen the key project to develop new markets, and excellent market tracking analysis to actively respond to market changes. 在促销方面,深度挖掘市场潜力,加强重点项目跟踪以开拓新增市场,做优市场跟踪分析以积极应对市场变化。
Ability to maximize the development of IT talents, to improve production efficiency, improve the new technology, new products, mining market potential continuously, the company has always been to maintain a competitive advantage, in order to ensure that enterprises and staff development. 最大程度开发IT人才的能力,用以提高生产效率,提高新技术、新产品水平,不断挖掘市场开拓的潜能,使公司始终保持竞争优势,才能确保企业和员工长足发展。
Under the severe situation of global mining market, Chinese energy companies in the overseas market have achieved good results. 在全球矿业市场严峻的形势下,中国能源企业在开拓海外市场中取得了不俗的成绩。
In China, the development of mining right evaluation market started late, which is only ten years so far. Although it still needs to perfect, mining right evaluation still plays a very important role in mining market. 在我国,矿业权评估市场的发展起步较晚,至今只有十几年的时间,虽然尚有需要完善之处,但是矿业权评估仍然在矿业市场中起到非常重要的作用。
Meanwhile, Hunan ( Chenzhou) mineral build a logistics center, so that Hunan Nonferrous Metals Group, most of the direct involvement and control the flow of mineral resources, and help the Government guide the mining market order rectification mining. 同时,湘南(郴州)矿产品物流中心的建立,使湖南有色集团直接参与和控制湖南绝大部分的矿产资源的流通,有利于集团协助政府引导矿业市场,整顿矿业秩序,提升郴州矿产品国际竞争力。
In view of present mining market of china, there have been plenty of cases on the contribution in the form of mining right. 就中国目前的矿业权市场而言,矿业权出资入股在实践中已经卓有成效。